In Case You Missed It
The Preservation Trust's 42nd Annual Meeting took place on Thursday, May 20. For the second year in a row, it was [...]
The Preservation Trust's 42nd Annual Meeting took place on Thursday, May 20. For the second year in a row, it was [...]
Aaron Vliet from Friday Harbor High School chose to work with the Preservation Trust to complete a community project this past [...]
The Preservation Trust and many others lost a dear friend and colleague when, on May 5, Martha Fuller passed away peacefully [...]
Volunteers help lift and carry forward an organization’s mission, and the San Juan Preservation Trust has been blessed by many over [...]
March planting party with Spring Street School students | Staff archive In this month’s issue: Kudos to Shaw Volunteer [...]
With Spring comes another a joyful amphibian season in the islands. Just last week, SJPT Land Steward Rob Roy McGregor spotted [...]
Ruthie Dougherty, Ellis Preserve Curator, writes: Two years ago, faced with some unusual projects at the Marilyn and Fred Ellis Preserve [...]
SJPT naturalist and Ellis Preserve Curator Ruthie Dougherty shows how to add a "critter cozy," or hibernaculum, to enhance wildlife habitat [...]
Dr. Frances Robertson, Coordinator of the San Juan County Marine Resources Committee (MRC), takes a boat trip to the swift waters [...]
We are pleased to announce the second year of the San Juan Preservation Trust's Climate Leadership Scholarship program. The 2021 scholarship [...]
A Photo Contest Winner from 2021 Swan Count | Sheila Bolka In this month’s issue: We [Heart] Swans (2021 [...]
Each year in late January, Preservation Trust's Stewardship Manager, Kathleen Foley Lewis (with help from Sierra O’Connell) coordinates a count of [...]
A memorial tribute to Walter MacGinitie, long-time Preservation Trust supporter and conservation easement donor (together with his wife, Ruth).
In our 2020 Year In Review (online version):Letter from AngelaCONSERVE HighlightsCARE HighlightsCONNECT HighlightsList of Donors Bequests, Gifts in Memory and in [...]
Sadly, two long-serving members of the Preservation Trust staff retired this year—Conservation Director Debby Clausen stepped down at the end of [...]
Reef Island, a jewel of the Wasp Island group | Staff photo On July 31, we announced that Malcolm Goodfellow, a [...]
Semi-Wild Turkeys* Near the Orcas Ferry Landing, Nov. 21, 2020 | Staff photo Q: Why did the turkeys cross the road? [...]
Looking for a new solo activity that can enhance your environmental literacy? Join one (or all) of our iNaturalist projects and [...]
Southwest tip of Reef Island, with more Wasp Islands in the background | Staff photo In this month’s issue: [...]
Local Conservation Organizations and Private Landowners Take Action to Support Recovery of Salmon and Southern Resident Orcas An innovative partnership [...]
Mud Bay, Lopez: One of the islands' most productive shoreline habitats | Staff Archive In this month’s issue: Zylstra [...]
The "year-round" portion of the trail (turquoise line) opens this fall. September 21, 2020 — The timing couldn’t be more perfect: This [...]
Watch "Through Her Eyes: The Science and Beauty of Intertidal Life in the Salish Sea" featuring Dr. Drew Harvell as tour guide, Sierra O'Connell as host, and Michael Noonan as filmmaker.
Georgia Drost (SJPT Intern), Ian Woofenden (SJPT volunteer), Rob Roy McGregor (SJPT Land Steward), Patty Rose (SJPT volunteer), Emma Jacobs (SJPT [...]
Filming "Through Her Eyes" at False Bay, San Juan Island | Staff ArchiveIn this month’s issue:Premiere of the Year: Tour [...]
In May we mounted Purple Martin nest boxes built by volunteer Joshua Johns on the dock house at the Marilyn and [...]
Our 2020 summer interns transformed a rotting stump into a pollinator garden Summer interns Georgia Drost and Emma Jacobs made the [...]
View towards Turtleback Addition and Lummi Nation Conservation Easement on West Sound Precedent-setting donation also returns land to the [...]
Kimball Preserve, Decatur Island | Staff Archive In this month’s issue: Note from Angela: Speaking Out Against Racism and Injustice [...]
Each year in January, we open the search for candidates for our Fred E. Ellis Summer Internship program. Little did we [...]