2020 Summer Activity Guides
To make sure our young naturalists are getting outdoors and learning about their island's protected land this summer, we have put [...]
To make sure our young naturalists are getting outdoors and learning about their island's protected land this summer, we have put [...]
View from Turtlehead Preserve, Orcas Island | Kurt Thorson In this month’s issue: Note from Angela: Our Need for [...]
[Editor's note: A regional writer, whose pen name is Elle Cee Wallace, sent this poem to Stewardship Manager Kathleen Foley Lewis [...]
Vendovi Island North Cove in the "Before Times" As San Juan County begins Phase 2 of our state’s re-opening process, I’m [...]
SJPT members gather in the "Before Times" It's clear now that the need to maintain physical distance and limit group sizes [...]
Congratulations to Rachel Snow (Friday Harbor High School) and Arla Sutton (Orcas Island High School)! A committee of Preservation Trust board members selected Rachel and Arla from a truly impressive group of applicants from across San Juan County.
We are pleased to announce the re-opening of Vendovi Island Preserve as of May 8, 2020, subject to Washington State guidelines and restrictions.
Back by popular demand is another springtime Bingo card—this one featuring native wildflowers of the San Juan Islands. Click here, or [...]
(L to R:) Elani, Josh, and Orion Johns on Orcas Island Elani and Orion drew pictures and took research notes [...]
Just a Minute Videos: From Our Backyards to Yours April "Spring Into Nature" issue: First: How are you doing? [...]
We (the staff and board of the San Juan Preservation Trust) are, collectively, doing okay, and each one of us hopes [...]
There's been a lot of virtual Bingo going around lately. We decided to follow the trend with our own Bingo card—this [...]
Spring Equinox on Turtleback Mountain | Staff Archive In this month’s issue: Note from Angela: Stay Home, Stay Healthy [...]
February 1 Bird Walk at Zylstra Lake | Joe Belcovson In this month’s issue: A Sweet Spring Story Why [...]
“The reason we have chosen to become recurring donors is that it's the most efficient way to protect and preserve aspects [...]
Download PDF here: Backyard Bingo April 2020
Another troubling outcome of this pandemic is that local farmers aren't able to sell their produce to restaurants or hotels. With [...]
Have you taken some time recently to clear your mind from the weight of the world and reflect upon nature in [...]
Here are the candidates standing for election to the Preservation Trust's Board of Directors in 2020. Click the links to see more [...]
One of the best backyard stewards we know, Thom Pence The San Juan Preservation Trust planned to go big in celebrating [...]
Dr. Drew Harvell with subjects of her 2016 book, Oceans of Glass | Jesse Winter “In Wildness is the preservation of [...]
Note From Angela Angela Anderson at home with Leo Dear Preservation Trust family and friends, I write this on [...]
Spring wildflowers on Vendovi Island | Kurt Thorson UPDATED MARCH 24, 2020 Those of us who love the San Juan Islands [...]
Anonymous (4 gifts) Eric and Audra Adelberger Gretchen Allison and Patrick Kirby Angela Anderson & Adam Griesemer Andrea [...]
Welcome Kylie McLatchy, our new AmeriCorps team member who is doing a year of service with us.
We hope to award two $2,000 scholarships this year | Credit: PxFuel CC0 The San Juan Preservation Trust is offering up [...]
Location: Friday Harbor, WA Salary: $65,000–$80,000 Benefits: Benefits include health insurance, 3% match for IRA contributions, three weeks’ vacation, 12 days medical/family leave, and [...]
It wouldn't count for much in truly snowy places, but the islands were cloaked in 2–6 inches of the cold white [...]
Beaverton campaign launch at our county fair booth in August | Staff photo We have good news to share. Thanks to [...]
Credit: David Lorens (University of Wisconsin-Madison) overlaid on Google Earth At the mention of land preservation, one's mind often fixates on [...]