Night at Red Mill Farm
SJPT Land Steward Rob Roy McGregor took these photos on a recent night at Red Mill Farm Preserve on San Juan [...]
SJPT Land Steward Rob Roy McGregor took these photos on a recent night at Red Mill Farm Preserve on San Juan [...]
A group of photo enthusiasts boated to Vendovi Island on October 20 to capture images of autumn splendor. They found plenty, [...]
San Juan Cruises boat at the Vendovi Island dock Vendovi Island is one of the Preservation Trust’s most spectacular [...]
In 2013, the San Juan Preservation Trust started working with Sea Reach, an outdoor exhibit design firm based in Sheridan, Oregon, [...]
We are thrilled that, in these first days of 2018, we can declare the successful completion of our $1.95 million Campaign [...]
On the last day of 2017, a closing took place that represented the largest donation—as measured in both acres and appraised [...]
On December 20, almost two years to the day since the San Juan County Land Bank and the Preservation Trust signed an [...]
Our conservation partners at Skagit Land Trust have launched a campaign to acquire and permanently protect Kelly’s Point and Yellow Bluff [...]
Legislative Impasse Puts Major Funding Source in Limbo When the state legislature adjourned in July without passing a Capital Construction Budget, [...]
On Earth Day Eve (April 21), 2017, group of volunteers and SJPT staff created a new trail across the Henry Island Isthmus [...]
MORE GREAT NEWS! We learned last week that Zylstra Lake, another of our joint projects with the San Juan County Land [...]
WE DID IT! After two years of fundraising, the $4.2 million Campaign for Mount Grant Preserve has come to a successful [...]
Preservation Trust, County Land Bank must raise $2.5 million to acquire San Juan Island Lake Acting swiftly to thwart a proposed housing [...]
The owner of an Anacortes bed & breakfast establishment has agreed to pay a $100,000 settlement for illegally clear-cutting a waterfront [...]
This video, produced by the Washington Conservation Corps, shows the work to restore important Garry oak habitat on Turtleback Mountain! [...]
Turtlehead Preserve Now Accessible Through Turtleback Mountain Preserve The San Juan Preservation Trust and the San Juan County Land Bank are [...]
Turtlehead Preserve Now Accessible Through Turtleback Mountain Preserve On Saturday, August 24, about two dozen supporters gathered to help celebrate the [...]
Photo: Ferdi Businger Summer greetings from Vendovi Island! With pleasant temperatures and cloudless, sunny skies, the past few weeks [...]
HELP CAP TURTLEBACK NOW! The San Juan Preservation Trust has acquired a property on Orcas Island that will add more than [...]
On December 15, 2010, the San Juan Preservation Trust successfully purchased Vendovi Island, the third largest island [...]