Field Notes

Garry Oak Restoration

2025-01-27T17:12:58-08:00January 16th, 2025|

To close out 2024, the Preservation Trust's stewardship department teamed up with long-time SJPT volunteer and retired forester [...]

Restoring Crow Valley Creek

2025-01-27T17:13:38-08:00January 16th, 2025|

As Stewardship Manager with the San Juan Preservation Trust, Meghan Howard leads SJPT's new riparian restoration projects throughout the islands [...]

“Most Wanted” Noxious Weeds

2022-06-24T10:35:06-07:00June 15th, 2022|

Six of San Juan County's Most Notorious Plant Invaders Notes on weeds from Jason Ontjes Program Coordinator, San Juan County Noxious [...]

New Fence = Cleaner Water

2021-12-07T12:12:20-08:00December 7th, 2021|

For years, we’ve been planning to build a fence on Red Mill Farm Preserve that keeps grazing cattle out of False [...]

Lichen: Life Working Together

2021-10-25T10:51:55-07:00October 19th, 2021|

By Rob Roy McGregor, SJPT Land Steward Last winter, I became a bit obsessed with lichens, and like a mad numerologist [...]

School Partnerships

2021-05-27T09:15:27-07:00May 26th, 2021|

This past year, we've made some of our preserves available as “learning landscapes” through partnerships with schools. We recognize the benefits [...]

Capturing Aspects of Nature

2021-07-16T13:25:21-07:00May 19th, 2021|

Aaron Vliet from Friday Harbor High School chose to work with the Preservation Trust to complete a community project this past [...]

Critter Cozy Video

2021-07-28T09:01:58-07:00March 15th, 2021|

SJPT naturalist and Ellis Preserve Curator Ruthie Dougherty shows how to add a "critter cozy," or hibernaculum, to enhance wildlife habitat [...]

Help for Hemlocks?

2019-10-23T10:21:54-07:00October 15th, 2019|

For more than 30 years, a tiny sap-sucking insect has been killing untold millions of hemlock trees in the eastern United [...]

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