We are thrilled that, in these first days of 2018, we can declare the successful completion of our $1.95 million Campaign to Connect the Henrys! Once slated for a residential development that could have turned the Henry Island isthmus—a natural gem of the San Juans—into an exclusive enclave, this connection between the two halves of Henry Island is now assured to remain accessible to all and protected in its undeveloped natural state forever.
Together, with the generous support of 141 households representing Henry Island residents and friends, many of which contributed two or even three gifts, we have preserved the pristine connection between Little Henry and Big Henry. Together, for the enjoyment of all residents, we acquired the “Knoll” property and its spectacular outlook over Nelson Bay. Together, we secured the future of the isthmus—which borders the spectacular Mosquito Pass Preserve, for a total of 56 protected acres of salt marsh, upland forest, and 4,100 feet of marine shoreline.

Trail map of the Henry Island Preserve
As a natural system, the area displays both high quality and high diversity, including a shallow, mud-bottomed bay (Nelson Bay), intertidal zone, coastal beaches, salt-grass meadow, natural dunes, and dry coniferous forest. The rare accretion beach (along Hunter Bay) is described in the 1999 Priority Habitat Assessment for San Juan County as one of the most important sites of this type in Washington State. A natural area assessment conducted by The Nature Conservancy identified the area as “highest priority” for conservation, and described the salt marsh and mud flats on Open Bay and Nelson Bay as “probably the finest examples of their kind in San Juan County.”
The completion of this campaign is a tribute to the Henry Island community; it also marks a major conservation victory that benefits our entire region, now and in the future.
Considerable work has already gone into a trail realignment across the salt marsh and from the isthmus to the Knoll. A neighbor (Sam Sullivan) fabricated and donated aluminum channel bridges, and the Preservation Trust enlisted volunteers from throughout the islands to build and install over a hundred feet of seasonal wetland crossings. To see one volunteer team in action as they assemble a trail on this spectacular landscape, take a look from a drone’s-eye view.
The wooden crossing sections have been removed for the 2017-18 winter, but will be re-installed on Earth Day weekend this April. Watch for announcements and join the work party!
Campaign to Connect the Henrys Contributors
As of January 11, 2018
Anonymous*Alexander Marine
Andrea & Erik Anderson Ted & Kathi Anderson* Apex Foundation* Jonathan Rodriguez-Atkatz & The Barker Family Fund Boeing Matching Gift Program Janet Burke Mike & Margot Burks Alan & Kristin Bushley Richard & Serena Carlsen Glenn & Sharon Carter* Ryan & Maneeta Carter Marguerite Casey Foundation John J. & Cynthia K. Chuta ≠ Debby Clausen & Kim Sundberg Barbara Courtney & Art Lange Kathryn Crossland ≠ Norm Culver Gerri Dale Melanie Danner Dean & Ruthie Dougherty Karla Drewsen Geoffrey & Jennifer Dunbar Gloria & Carl Einfeld Albert & Margery Einstein ≠ Sherry & Peter Ettel Nancy & Peter ffitch Simon & Rebecca ffitch Christine Firth David Fitzgerald Ben & Carma Floyd Kathleen Foley Barbara French Burk & Cooky Gossom Lynn Gottlieb Alexander Gounares ≠ Peter & Barbara Greenwalt* Dean & Mary Grove ≠ Peter & Rosemary Groves Sven Haarhoff & Allison Shadday Barry & Brenda Hanson Sarah Hart Steven Hazlerig ≠ Barry Helm Jason & Catherine Hennig Gordon & Jeffra Hull Julie & Tom Hull* Gretchen Hull & Family Lindsay Hull* Sanderson Hull Sally Huston Lisa & Buddy Ide Paul & Theresa Jackson* Duane & Barbara Johnson* Laura & Jeffrey Johnson William & Leslie Knudsen Jane Kroesche & Jason Mardesich Rich & Lyn Lacher ≠ Jim & Sherry Ladd Doug Lane & Michele Hamilton-Lane Sam & Melinda LeClercq ≠ Bill Lewis (Mitrebox Construction) Linda McDougall Lewis Penny Lewis* Mary Lloyd & Gary Miekle Tim MacDonald ≠ Jennifer & Chad Mackay James & Anne MacLean Lisa & John MacLean |
Thomas MainBob & Yvonne Mancuso*
Becky Mansfield & Randy Lawrence ≠ Michael Massa* ≠ Michael & Meaghan Ann McCloskey Quinn McCloskey Alan & Ann Merrihew* Microsoft Matching Gifts Program John Miller Duncan & Cheryl Milloy ≠ Ed & Terri Mutell Laurie & Kevin Naylor Gery & Laurie Nunnelee* Darla O’Brian Maura O’Neill & Vaho Rebassoo* Ellen Pardee* Tom Pardee & Jean Johnson ≠ Jennifer Phiefer & Paul Snorsky* Scott Plank & Corina Hardin Enrico Pozzo & Yumiko Fujimori ≠ Brooks & Suzanne Ragen Cameron & Tori Ragen Matthew & Amy Ragen Brent & Heidi Reys ≠ James & Tana Ridgeway John & Catherine Rogers* Patty & John Rose Dick & Zita Sandmeyer* David Saperstein & Vivienne Souter* Thomas Schafenacker & Jill Blakeway* Willliam & Bonnie Schourup* Jennifer & Dan Schroeder* Mike Schroeder Ian Scott Steven & Cynthia Scruggs ≠ Eliot & Tina Scull* Grant & Carrie Scull Tim Seifert & Sonya Erickson & Eva* Corinne Severn ≠ Bill & Pat Shafer* Dan Shih & Ted MacGovern Bryan Sires & Deanna Irwin-Sires Craig & Julie Smith Spencer Smith Paul & Joanie Snorsky Jan Snyder* Mary Stabler Todd & Linda Stabler* Joe Stella Marion Stewart ≠ Richard Stiles* ≠ Sam & Lucy Sullivan* Eric Swanson & Devon Hodge The Swanson Family Craig Tall & Penny LeGate ≠ Ian & Erin Timms ≠ Sharon Trujillo Elspeth Vance Margaret & Kurt Vance Manlio & Gail Vecchiet Mike & Pamela Voegtlin* ≠ James & Jennifer Voorhees Tim & Marye Jayne Wallace* Heather Ways & Jerry Sgro Martha Ways & Tim Lee* Peter Ways & Joe Breakey Peter Ways & Gretchen Gundrum Dawn Webb Eleanor Weinel Matthew & Marianne Wells Sally Wold Bill & Michelle Youngsman* ≠ |
* Indicates multiple donations ≠ Seattle Yacht Club member