Skip Bold and one of his many boats, Solitude, at the dock in Parks Bay.
Each year, the San Juan Preservation Trust’s staff selects a volunteer whose efforts exemplify the best qualities of all our valued volunteers—cheerful dedication and diligence in advancing SJPT’s mission. This year, Skip Bold from Shaw Island is being honored as the Volunteer of the Year for 2021–22. He’s a true example of a good island neighbor, certainly one we are privileged to have around!
Skip Bold, a longtime resident of Shaw Island, helped out the Preservation Trust in a variety of ways over the past year. A steady presence around the Marilyn and Fred Ellis Preserve, you can find Skip’s handiwork in the form of sturdy gates, kingfisher perches, and the timeless Shaw Island road-sign font on many of the preserve’s signs. When some water pipes burst during the harsh winter, Skip was immediately on the scene to get on his hands and knees to help fix the plumbing.
An avid marine enthusiast, Skip lives just north of Parks Bay and the Ellis Preserve. He often visits the area via one of his many boats. With his wide-ranging knowledge of life on and around the sea, Skip helped Preserve Curator Ruthie Dougherty sort through the Ellis of maritime books and other objects that were part of the Ellis estate
Thank you, Skip, for your hard work and dedication to SJPT. You’re a real lifesaver!