Two Barn Farm Conservation Easement
San Juan Island
Year Protected: 1991 & 1993
Land Protected: 90 acres
Public Benefits: Agricultural lands, Garry oak habitat, forestland
Sweeping open fields, meandering paths, tucked-away ponds, and patches of rare Garry oak habitat create the mosaic of the lovely Two Barn Farm on San Juan Island. Jim and Camille Uhlir knew it was special, and wanted it to remain that way. In a series of several transactions, they eventually conserved 90 acres and in the process saved habitat for everything from bald eagles and otters to the rare Western bluebird.
Haying will continue on a portion of the property, and the wetlands (including three ponds and a large boggy area that serves as a recharge site for local fresh water supplies) will be protected from disturbance. The Uhlirs have been actively expanding their remnant Garry oak woodlands by planting new saplings, taking the concept of preservation a step further—by including restoration as part of their personal mission.