Straitsview Farm Conservation Easement
San Juan Island
Year Protected: 1998 & 2007
Land Protected: 281 acres
Public Benefits: Agricultural lands, shoreline
Spectacular views over Haro Strait. Historic barn with cattle grazing over open pastures. Terrain gradually leading to rugged coastline and rocky inlets strewn with driftwood. River otters, bald eagles, and orca whales along the shore. Broad and endless sunsets.
These are some of the things Bob and Evelyn Doran love about their 100-year-old working farm east of False Bay on San Juan Island. The 281 acres known as Straitsview Farm include just under 1,400 feet of natural, undisturbed shoreline, sweeping pastureland, and a restored historic barn.
Under the terms of the conservation easement that the Dorans donated over a series of several transactions, the prime agricultural land will remain open and without structures, keeping the land for farming and preserving the views from False Bay Road across the open fields to the water. Two additional residences are permitted at carefully identified sites on the property.
“The land and space are incredibly beautiful and natural,” remarked Bob Doran at the time of the donation, “and from the moment we saw it back in the eighties, Happy and I felt it should remain that way. We knew nothing of easements then, but we were clear that the farm property should be preserved and that we would not subdivide it. We never thought otherwise.”
The Doran’s love of the land has been nourished by a deep affection for Martha’s Vineyard. “We’re grateful that we can contribute something back to the community, the island and society, “Bob adds. “We have always felt joy in giving. Our two children, who also appreciate the farm, love the idea of preserving the land in perpetuity.”