Lummi Island Conservation Easement
Lummi Island
Year Protected: 2013
Land Protected: 65 acres
Public Benefits: Forest, wildlife habitat, scenic views, wetlands, agricultural lands
Lummi Island is a varied land with steep mountainsides, productive farmland and lowland native woodland habitat. In 2013, in a series of complex transactions involving the Lummi Island Heritage Trust (LIHT) and a Lummi family, SJPT received three conservation easements that permanently protect land with each of these varied topographies.
The new “forever wild” Seacrest Road Easement creates a 6-acre buffer along the eastern border of the previously-established LIHT Otto Preserve (also protected by an SJPT easement). The 47-acre Sunrise Road Easement includes 26 acres buffering the LIHT Baker Preserve, also already established, that will never be developed while the remaining 21 are available for farming and residential uses.
The 12-acre Centerview Road Easement reduces development density while protecting farmland and pastoral views along Centerview Road. Working together since 2000, the Lummi Island Heritage Trust and the San Juan Preservation Trust have cooperated in protecting over 500 acres of the island’s forest, farmland and shoreline.