Bellevue Farms Conservation Easement
San Juan Island
Year Protected: 1991
Land Protected: 53 acres
Shoreline Protected: 3,910 feet
Public Benefits: Shoreline, archeological values, scenic views
In the early 1900’s, Bellevue Farm on quiet Westcott Bay on San Juan Island was one of the largest poultry and rabbit enterprises in the Northwest. Portions of the site were also used in the 1920’s for a golf course. In recent years, Roche Harbor Lime & Cement Company farmed part of the site primarily for hay. When Dr. Marvin Hausman purchased 53 acres of this historic property in 1989, he knew he wanted to help protect the natural, archeological, and scenic values that he so enjoyed. The resulting conservation easement sets out three zones for the property: natural, agricultural, and residential. Any future development is set back and excluded from the natural zone to protect the archeological sites, tidal marsh, tidelands and wetlands.
“I fell in love with the site, and decided that I would take steps to respond to its beauty in a meaningful and permanent way,” said Dr. Hausman when he made his gift. “We wanted to protect the feel of the place.”
Former SJPT trustee Les Gunther commented at the time, “We are grateful to Dr. Hausman for this important easement which preserves the present meadow along a lengthy stretch of Roche Harbor Road. It also restricts construction of any future residences to selected area where visual and ecological impacts will be minimized.”