Spyhopping Southern Resident Orca | Steve Smith
The Southern Resident Killer Whales that call Puget Sound home are critically endangered. By creating important species habitat that supports their food chain, we can act now to save the most iconic species of the Pacific Northwest.
Come out on October 19th to one of the 40 plus Orca Recovery Day events that will be happening simultaneously, led by regional Conservation Districts (from Northern California to British Columbia) and joined by dozens of nonprofits, tribes, and local and state agencies. Orca Recovery Day will engage thousands of people in ACTIONS that improve conditions for our Southern Residents.
Join the San Juan Islands Conservation District at Cattle Point Interpretative Area to remove invasive species and replace them with native wildflowers and grasses from Salish Seeds Nursery.
Join the San Juan County Land Bank to plant Garry oak acorns and native prairie forbs at Turtleback Mountain Preserve.
Acorn Planing at Turtleback Preserve
Orcas need land too! And of course they need more than one day of help for their recovery—so stay tuned for more planting and habitat restoration events and let’s keep the momentum going!
“Instead of looking for hope, look for action. Then and only then, hope will come.” – Greta Thunberg