Be Our Valentine?
Members of the Preservation Trust have shown their love for the San Juans by helping to ensure a bright [...]
Members of the Preservation Trust have shown their love for the San Juans by helping to ensure a bright [...]
See the online version of our 2024 Winter / Year in Review Dispatch
To close out 2024, the Preservation Trust's stewardship department teamed up with long-time SJPT volunteer and retired forester [...]
As Stewardship Manager with the San Juan Preservation Trust, Meghan Howard leads SJPT's new riparian restoration projects throughout the islands [...]
Volunteers at a work party at the Reef Island Preserve | Jeff Brennan In this month’s issue: SJPT Welcomes Two New [...]
SJPT's first-ever volunteer work party at the Reef Island Preserve | Jeff Brennan As the saying goes, “many hands make light [...]
Preservation Trust and Conservation Land Bank staff visiting Beaverton Marsh Preserve, San Juan Island | Staff archive As the election quickly [...]
The San Juan Preservation Trust and Conservation District’s Islands Conservation Corps (ICC) were hard at work last month to create [...]
From Left to Right: SJPT Director of Special Projects Kathleen Lewis, Gretchen Gubelman, Beau Borrero | Staff archive “Do you want [...]
SJPT stewardship staff and volunteers tending to a riparian restoration area at JB Farm Preserve on Orcas Island | Staff archive [...]
If our Western Bluebird Project had a motto, it might be adapted from a quotation from the contemporary Turkish novelist and [...]
Volunteer Peter Zangrillo and Land Steward Meghan Howard at Northeast Shore Preserve, Orcas Island | Staff archive The San Juan [...]
Glenwood Inn Property Shoreline | SJPT Staff Photo The San Juan County Conservation Land Bank and San Juan Preservation Trust announced [...]
We received a nice shot in the arm in August that had nothing to do with COVID. Rather, it was a [...]
Georgia Drost (SJPT Intern), Ian Woofenden (SJPT volunteer), Rob Roy McGregor (SJPT Land Steward), Patty Rose (SJPT volunteer), Emma Jacobs (SJPT [...]
Reflections on the San Juan County Land Bank at 30 The San Juan County Land Bank turns 30 this year. To [...]
If you sleep with your windows open, you may have noticed the morning songs of passerines (songbirds) gradually diminishing, until one [...]
On October 11, Andrew Bowman, president and CEO of the Land Trust Alliance, invited SJPT Executive Director Angela Anderson to join [...]
Campaign launch at county fair “Beaverton” is the name of a scenic valley, a busy road, and the largest [...]
For more than 30 years, a tiny sap-sucking insect has been killing untold millions of hemlock trees in the eastern United [...]
A Recipe for the Year Ahead Many of those who read this may know of Judy Anderson, an independent (and indispensable) [...]
Mount Woolard Marsh | Photo: Steve Alboucq In October, we welcomed the donation of 47 acres of mixed forest and wetland [...]
We have invited the Land Trust Alliance to contribute two articles to this issue of our E-newsletter: One Alliance, Many Communities [...]
Our retreat venue: Westcott Bay Shellfish Farm When you read this, I—along with the rest of the Preservation Trust [...]
Our conservation partners at Skagit Land Trust have launched a campaign to acquire and permanently protect Kelly’s Point and Yellow Bluff [...]
Legislative Impasse Puts Major Funding Source in Limbo When the state legislature adjourned in July without passing a Capital Construction Budget, [...]
Tenth birthday at Westcott Bay Shellfish Farm (birthday girl in center) | Photo: SJPT Staff Off the Map Oysters [...]
Preservation Trust, County Land Bank must raise $2.5 million to acquire San Juan Island Lake Acting swiftly to thwart a proposed housing [...]