Bill Conservation Easement
Lopez Island
Year Protected: 1988
Land Protected: 70 acres
Shoreline Protected: 2,509 feet
Public Benefits: Shoreline, forest, rocky balds & wildlife habitat
A long stretch of waterfront and prominent huge rock outcrop on Hunter Bay and Lopez Sound was permanently protected in 1988 thanks to the generosity of the Bill Family of Lopez Island. Parents Sandy and Sally Bill and their children Betsy, Molly, Susan, Peggy, Jamie and David, joined in donating a conservation easement totaling 70 acres and including over 2500 feet of shoreline.
As part of the family estate planning, the Bills wanted to protect the land for its scenic, forest, and natural values and limit the residential development. Having enjoyed this family property for many decades, they wanted to keep the land as they remembered it yet allow for some limited use by future generations. Portions of the land will continue to be managed according to a forest management plan and the remainder, with the exception of the designated home sites, will remain in a natural state and continue to serve as habitat for deer, otter, bald eagles and other species.