You may have noticed that swans have returned to our islands—splashing and bobbing in undisturbed wetlands, lakes, and other bodies of water…

Adult trumpeter and cygnet at Zylstra Lake Preserve | Kurt Thorson
The Preservation Trust, in partnership with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, and a great number of volunteers—are helping to document wintering populations of trumpeter and tundra swans in our region.
This one-day count will be held on Friday, January 21, 2022 between the hours of 8am and 11am. We have plenty of volunteers for San Juan Island already, but if you live on Lopez or Orcas Island, we could use more help there. Please SIGN UP HERE and more information will be sent to you prior to the count.
Our photo contest last year was a lot of fun, so we’ll be hosting another one this year! If you’re an amateur or professional photographer, all entries are welcome and much appreciated, so be sure to bring your camera along for the count (prizes will be had for the top 3 submissions).
Thank you for your interest and/or participation!