Kimball Preserve
Decatur Island
Years Protected: 1985 & 1989
Land Protected: 56.4 acres
Shoreline Protected: 8,535 feet
Public Benefits: Shoreline, scenic views, Garry oak habitat
In a series of transactions completed in the 1980s, Dr. Walter Kimball — outdoorsman, conservationist and longtime supporter of the Preservation Trust — donated 64 acres of land on the southern tip of Decatur Island. Named the “Kimball Preserve,” this magnificent property includes wildlife habitat, shoreline, native forest, grassy headlands, and a pristine tombolo.
“My father had a great love for the San Juans and the outdoors,” recalls Lee Kimball, Dr. Kimball’s daughter. “He was horrified by the increased development of the islands. That’s why he donated his land to the Preservation Trust.”
Tucked away in a remote outer island location, the Kimball Preserve has been the site of recent Preservation Trust efforts to restore remnant Garry oak habitat.
Kimball Preserve is open to the public. Click here for visitor information and trail map.