The Gann Society: Our Legacy Donors

Members of the Gann Society, named after early supporters Ernest and Dodie Gann, are individuals who have made a provision to leave a legacy through a bequest or other planned gift.

We are grateful to the members of The Gann Society. Their promised legacy gifts will help to preserve land in the San Juan Islands in perpetuity. Our current members are listed below.

Please visit our In Memoriam page to learn about of those departed members of The Gann Society, whose legacy gifts continue to contribute to the permanent protection of the San Juan Islands.

Current Gann Society Members

Eric and Audra Adelberger

Kathryn Alexandra

Andrea and Erik Anderson

Christian and Lea Andrade

Anonymous (22)

Jon Avent

Amanda Azous and Joe Franetic

Thomas Bayley

Paul Beaudet and David Wertheimer

Barbara G. Bedell

Dr. Lawrence Bennett

Barbara Bentley

Patricia Bolding

Willy and Vreni Borner

Janet M. Burke

Ferdi Businger

Jim and Nancy Caleshu

Cathryn Campbell

Craig Canine and Myla Sherburne

John Carl

Glenn and Sharon Carter

Debra Clausen and Kimbal Sundberg

Joseph J. Cohen and Martha P. Farish

Barbara Courtney

Sarah M. Crosby

Alan and Janet Davidson

Dean Dougherty

Lorraine Dukes

Geoff and Jennifer Dunbar

Deborah Dwyer and Jay Field

Allison Elder

Douglas and Catherine Ellis

Charles Givens

Malcolm Goodfellow

Georgann Greene

Joe and Nancy Greene

Michael and Gale Gropp

Sven Haarhoff and Allison Shadday

Thor Hanson

Leighanne Harris

Carolyn Haugen

Cynthia J. Hawkins

Anne M. Hay

Jim Heidell and Lisa Skumatz

Karen E. Homitz

Douglas and Christine Hunt

Bob and Pat Jester

Sara Jane Johnson

Keith and Ann Jones

Steve Jung and Susan McBain

Prudence Kaye

Clare and Ed Kelm

Pat Kimble

Jacob and Ingrid Kjelstrup

Babs Klee and Ralph Pease

Brian W. Lehtola

Lorraine Lewis

Bob and Laurie Liebmann

Rick and Meredith Machin

Sue Madison

Pamela McCabe

Steve and Barbara McKeon

Judy Meyer and Gene Helfman

Karen and Mara Miksch

Steven and Mary Miller

Margaret A. Mills

Ted Noll

Leslie Parrish

Thom Pence

David Perera

Jon and Amy Perera

Lily Perera

Michael Popiwny and Paul Koopman

Dianne Pressenda and Dan Harris

John and Priscilla Privat

Georgia Ragsdale

Christopher and Alexis Reed

Barbara Rosenkotter and Tye Tyson

Lisa Salisbury

Eliot Scull

Janice Sears and Thomas Brown

Tim Seifert and Sonya Erickson

Alex Shapiro

Steve and Nan Simpson

Sam Stitt and Kathryn Jakutis

Marcia Barrow Stone

Catherine Strauss

Tom Tidyman II

Erin M. Timms

Joe and Sally Todd

Keith and Jane Wentworth

Carol and John Whetten

Helen Winkler