Peter Kilpatrick San Juan Island
Peter and his wife, Becky, both grew up near Seattle. They came to San Juan Island by way of Evergreen State College in 1975. Peter developed a passion for building in those years and started his company, Ravenhill Construction, in the 1970s.
By the late ‘80s, Ravenhill had developed a reputation for building unique custom homes, often featured in prominent magazines and other publications. By the early ‘90s and continuing today, Ravenhill has regularly employed 25 to 35 staff and holds a reputation as one of the leading custom builders in the Pacific Northwest.
Love for his island home has inspired Peter to donate a great deal of time to community organizations. He was a firefighter and officer with San Juan Fire District #3 for more than 20 years, and worked with the San Juan Agricultural Guild to develop and build the Brickworks, which hosts the San Juan Island Farmer’s Market. He has also been involved with shoreline and marine issues, with the Green Shores for Homes program, and the San Juan Initiative.
Peter’s passion for the last 15 years has been his involvement with the San Juan Community Home Trust and its commitment to developing affordable housing. The Home Trust’s current project, with Ravenhill Construction as contractor, consists of 14 homes moved by barge from Victoria, BC.
Peter’s free time takes him to the mountains, hiking, skiing, and climbing. Starting as a teenager, he has climbed peaks all over the Cascades, BC, Alaska, and the Himalayas.
“I am very excited to join the Preservation Trust team,” Peter says, “helping to preserve special places in the San Juans, with a view towards how land conservation fits with our goals for the future of our island community.”