Anonymous (4 gifts)
Eric and Audra Adelberger
Gretchen Allison and Patrick Kirby
Angela Anderson & Adam Griesemer
Andrea and Erik Anderson
John and Janice Anderson
Mary Jane and Mark Anderson
Christian and Lea Andrade
Apple Matching Gift Program
Ken Arzarian
Baird Foundation
Geoff and Anne Barker
Lenore Bayuk and John Stamey
Sean & Alisha Belanga
Jill and Joe Belcovson
Chuck and Suzie Beringer
Willy and Vreni Borner
Stephen and Sara Burch
Peter and Lilla Burgess
Mike and Margot Burks
Coleman Byrnes
Myla Sherburne and Craig Canine
Paulie Jenkins and Theodore Carlsson
John Carrier and Susan Kareken
Ana Mari Cauce and Susan Joclyn
Bruce Clark and Nancy Best
Debby Clausen and Kim Sundberg
Irmgard Conley
Barbara and Robert Conta
Barbara Courtney and Art Lange
Tom and Tamara Cowan
Judy Cumming
Bart and Marcia Dawson
Deupree Family Foundation
Robert and Evelyn Doran
Dean and Ruthie Dougherty
Geoffrey and Jennifer Dunbar
Peter Dunwiddie and Liz Bell
Timothy and Andrea Easton
Eaton-Westhagen-Skinner Families
Moonie Edwards
David and Sandra Eichner
Paul Ellifrit
Nora Ferm
Bradley and Debra Fincher
Kathleen Foley and Bill Lewis
April and Gary Ford
Jeremy and Angela Foster
Lisbeth Francis
Martha and Timothy Fuller
Denise Garcia and Eric Schmidt
Charles Givens
James Goetz and Francie Rutherford
Greg and Valerie Gorder
Gay Graham & Ron Hanson
Julie Gralow and Hugh Allen
Dan Grausz and Clare Meeker
Don and Georgann Greene
Nancy and Joe Greene
Jack and Lindy Groban
Sven Haarhoff and Allison Shadday
Karen Haire
Francie Hansen
Ann Harris
Janet and John Hart
Sarah Hart
Hayley and Joseph Hatten
Carolyn Haugen
Pete and Deborah Helsell
Jeanette Henderson
Fred L and Judith A Henley
Shaun Hubbard and Harold Kawaguchi
Douglas and Christine Hunt
George and Peggy Hunt
Alice A. Hurd
Jean Hyde
Intel Corporation
Erik and Candace Jagel
Cheryl Jennings
Duane and Barbara Johnson
Alison Johnston Lohrey
Bruce Jones
Nancy Jones
Elaine Kendall and Ron Zee
Barrett Kennedy & Peggy Reily
Peter and Rebecca Kilpatrick
Pat Kimble
Christopher Kueffner and Lynn Stoddard
Daniel Kuppers
Jim & Sherry Ladd
Gretchen Lambert
Jeffrey Levinton and Joan Miyazaki
Konrad Liegel and Karen Atkins
Paul Lingane
John and Lorraine Littlewood
Ross Lockwood and Shona Aitken
Alison Longley
Walter and Ruth MacGinitie
David & Helen Mandley
Jana Marks
Nancy Maron and Larry Soll
Stanley and Karen Mayhew
Thomas McArthur
Chuck and DT McCarty
Rob Roy McGregor
Meat Machine Cycles
Eugene and Annette Metzger
Mary & Jon Metzger
Judy Meyer and Gene Helfman
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
John Miller
Steven and Mary Miller
Claudia Mills
Susan Mitchell
George and Pauline Mulligan
Robert and Jeanne Naiman
Laurie and Kevin Naylor
Charles and Rita O’Clair
Joann Otto
Anne Pallinger
Alan and Anays Parsons
Cheryl Peach
Donald and Katy Peek
Thom Pence
Dick and Kathy Petrait
Bob and Becky Pohlad
Michael Popiwny and Paul Koopman
Lovel and Boyd Pratt
Thane & Linda Pratt
Geoff Prentiss
John and Priscilla Privat
Mark and Dale Prugar
Rod Pyle
Bailey Quishenberry
Cameron and Tori Ragen
Andrew and Patricia Reid
Barbara Rosenkotter and Tye Tyson
Katherine and Joe Ryan and San Juan Seltzer
Karla Sabin
Lisa Salisbury
Dieter and Lucrecia Schulz
Kurt and Elizabeth Schwalbe
Scott Angus and Leslie Schwartz
Martha M. Scott
Eliot and Tina Scull
Phil Sherburne and Susan Casabona
Nannette Simpson and James Foote
Lars Sjoholm
Dale and Laurie Slater
Norm and Kathy Smith
Amy & Kenneth Sommers
Gary and Susan Sterner
Sharon Stroble and Susan Dyer
Ed and Carol Strum
Elaina and Thyatira Thompson
Tim and Sally Thomsen and San Juan Kayak Expeditions Inc
Camille and Jim Uhlir
John and Jiannina VanLund
Karen and Jim Vedder
Dan and Lyn Vician
Keith and Jane Wentworth
Shann Weston and Steve Porten
Carol and John Whetten
Michael and Elizabeth Wingren
Jeff and Korynne Wright
Dick and Janet Wright
David and Mary Zeretzke