Aliesen Conservation Easement
Waldron Island
Year Protected: 1991
Land Protected: 10 acres
Public Benefits: Forestland, farmland
A mixed evergreen and deciduous forest in a natural and relatively undisturbed condition, prime habitat for local wildlife, particularly woodland raptors and bald eagles that forage on the nearby shoreline, was donated by Jody Aliesan in 1991.
Under the conditions of the conservation easement with the Preservation Trust, this woodland parcel will remain undisturbed, aside from the existing small cabin and sheds. The existing structures will remain limited in size and the forest will be allowed to follow its natural cycle.
“I’m relieved to know that, thanks to the Trust, this bit of woods will be a refuge beyond what I can protect myself,” said Aliesan. The property is now owned by the Roach family who continue to steward it in keeping with Jody’s original vision.