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a view from young hill, san juan island | cy scammel
FEBRuary 2018
Welcome to the sixth issue of the San Juan Preservation Trust’s email newsletter. We hope you will enjoy our digital postcard with news and notes about SJPT’s work in the San Juan Islands.
Please, write us back with your questions, comments, and ideas.
Protect the island places you love!
Black oystercathcer
Photo: Gary Luhm
The last day of February I hear the startling wheep, wheep, wheep, wheep of four black oystercatchers as they come screaming down the shoreline and hurtle onto the rocks by the Cattle Point lighthouse. …
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News from SJPT
On February 12, Angela Anderson began her tenure as as the Preservation Trust’s fifth Executive Director since the organization was founded in 1979. She and her family moved to the San Juans from Kauai and are adapting with aplomb, despite our wintry weather. Angela succeeds Tim Seifert, who continues to serve in a consulting role. Welcome, Angela and family!
Photo: angela (right) with her husband, adam (left), daughters leela and Jaya, and dog, leo
credit: Nicolette Aguinaldo, fotopopkauai
As an SJPT member, you’ve helped protect many of these islands’ most beloved places. Now come out, explore, and celebrate some of these treasures with us. Our schedule of 2018 events and outings is now open for online registration.
Photo: staff archive
We're now seeking applicants for the 2018 Fred E. Ellis Summer Internship. This is a six-week paid position based in our office in Friday Harbor. This internship program is designed to expose the Intern to the entire range of activities performed by a conservation land trust, while providing the Preservation Trust with needed assistance in reaching its goals.
Photo: our 2017 summer interns at work | staff archive
Photo of the Month
Photo credit: cy scammel | on Instagram: @hauntedLuminous
“I took this at one of my favorite haunts, San Juan Island's Young Hill,
in March 2017, while looking east from the peak.”
Upcoming Events
Cruise from Skyline Marina in Anacortes to serene, unspoiled Vendovi Island to revel in spring's bounty of wildflowers.
10:15 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Fee: $65 per person includes boat transport and lunch.
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Meet new Executive Director Angela Anderson, who will talk about her conservation experience and vision. Held at the San Juan Island Yacht Club.
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Fee: $25 per person includes lunch.
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Help us celebrate the centennial of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Come to Red Mill Farm for a variety of bird-related talks and a bluebird-watching field trip.
Starts at 10:30 a.m. Free.
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Partners in Perpetuity
Name: Amanda Azous
Gann Society members since: 2016
Place of residence: Cady Mountain (San Juan Island)
Favorite island place: "By boat, Patos Island. On land, anywhere on the west side of San Juan Island. How lucky we are to see whales from shore!"
Quote: “I care about SJPT's work because land conservation has been my passion since, as an 11-year-old girl, I realized that the earth's resources are finite and need protecting for the benefit of future generations. I am grateful to live in a place so committed to land conservation, and I am proud to be a long-time member of the Preservation Trust and the Gann Society." READ AMANDA'S STORY
The Gann Society is a group of individuals who have notified us that they have provided for the San Juan Preservation Trust in their estate plans. Their planned giving will help protect the San Juan Islands forever. Please consider providing for the San Juan Preservation Trust in your will.
If you feel you’ve received this email by mistake, you can unsubscribe here.
The San Juan Preservation Trust
PO Box 759, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-2461 |